Sending prayers to the families who lost their loved ones from yesterday’s tragic outcome. Not only do I bear a heartbroken heart it’s bleeding and my eyes weep tears through their heartfelt pain. Knowingly, there is NO pain great enough to pierce the heart than losing our loved ones. We live for today without knowing if we’ll ever see tomorrow. For many, there is no tomorrow.
I live, speak, and breathe how the awful effects of toxicity become a deadly killer running wild among our nation. I knew about this killer decades ago, it ripped my life into tiny little pieces. At the time of its engagement, I didn’t take it seriously. A huge mistake! People, there are signs that cross our paths, and we must take heed of. We can no longer afford to ignore or allow those red flags to fly past us. If you or someone you know, needs to break free of the (toxic) controller, help is openly accessible. So, there is no excuse to stay! You are the caregiver of your wellness. Remember, the life you save may be your own. Awareness is the key!
Here is an excerpt from the activity guide (Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . )
Chapter Nine / Page 59
Combating Abuse and Violence
Abuse and violence may seem interchangeable, but understand their views are different. Violence is a specific type of abuse that involves physical harm. One person may abuse
another without violence. Abuse takes on a variety of shapes and forms (e.g., mental, emotional, physical, economical, etc.) but always the abuser seeks to take control over another. When this occurs, there is an imbalance of power between the abuser and the victim.
Acts of violence or abuse are not limited to criminals—the violator can live next door or be a family member. Any form of abuse is damaging to the level it causes the victim to devalue and doubt self. The abuser can then readily take control over his or
her victim. It’s important to know abuse and violence are choices, as are our responses to that abuse or violence.
In this section, readers will familiarize themselves with levels of abuse and violence and the various forms of how they are revealed. It’s known that abuse occurs when one hurts another. Since the perpetrator doesn’t wear an abusive “name tag,” forms of abuse
can be hard to identify.
Front cover image courtesy of Piotr Wilk / Image below courtesy of Solen Feyissa