In my last post, I wrote you about the accomplishment of receiving the Gold Book Award from Literary Titan . .. . for my storybook, “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter.”
Today, I want to share with you my interview with Literary Titan. It’s those small accomplishments that turn those challenges into opportunities. In releasing my memoir, “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter,” it took a lot of hard work and sleepless nights, to give you that finished product. For me, writing about all that stuff was a challenge. Then to an opportunity to help others in many ways.
I’m honored to know others who read the story thought highly of how well it was written and the messages revealed. It is my hope that after reading the story, you will discover something beautiful and powerful behind those pages. For easy accessibility, I’ll place a link at the bottom of this post to order either of the various formats. Be advised the paperback is on sale for $12.52 and the Kindle is offered at a steal for $2.99.
In the meantime, take this opportunity to read the interview that was posted online at Literary Titan
Not a Blueprint: It’s the Shoeprints That Matters is a very personal story for you. How hard was it to put this story out in the world for people to read?
Firstly, you must know that I grew up in a house full of secrets. Whatever went on in the family, we were taught to keep it in the home. So, as an adult and a single parent, I was compelled to live a secretive and private life. I made a practice to rarely reveal what was happening in our lives. Even back then, those that knew of me had very little knowledge about me.
Secondly, for many decades, my journey with toxic relationships was deep-seated, raw, and buried inside me. What you have to realize, I kept it all in a diary. Never realizing I was exactly telling a story about our life that would one day become an open book to others. Unknowingly, this writing was a healing medium that many may have called writing therapy.
Initially, during the editing phases, all I could do was cry, cry, and cry while trying to relive those painful and hurtful events. There was an instance, I recall when the editor and I had bumped heads; since I could not break through those raw emotions to express my thoughts clearly and precisely. It was extremely bad that the publisher had to intervene. After the conversation with her, she had me take four days off to recover from that ordeal.
Finally, once we’d gotten back to the writing, I still couldn’t break through those unsettling emotions. It was then I came up with a conclusion to take the portion out. Therefore, I wrote in its chapter titled, Finding Peace and Comfort.
I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?
Truly, there were many challenging moments. The pain was just overly great and hurtful, I wanted to scream in an octave range; to the top of my lungs. But, I’ll share with you these crucial ones . . .
The challenges surfaced when writing about the guilt and steps taken into being someone’s mistress. Knowingly, the pain I had ‘cause another with the interference I’d made in their lives. And how horribly I’d abused myself by giving up my self-worth; self-dignity; and all those other self-dimensions one possesses. Through it all, I’ve come to realize we can be our worst abusers.
The most sharpening and piercing piece was writing the horrible news about my child. Being that parent and having to watch one so young go through a grown folk’s disease ─ can be the most devastating experience ever endured. It even breaks my heart (now) to write it here. You know, life can be so unfair? Yes, then again, whoever said life was fair?
You have to remember, I was reared in a Christian environment. So, once I let go of my religious and spiritual beliefs, there I was holding on to that poison of unforgiveness. It took decades to find my way through the darkness that kept me in a fixed space with an inability to move forward.
Finally, those years of experiencing losses took their toll traumatically and overpowered me mentally. I had become a basket case. Surprisingly, I didn’t see that until it was on paper! To become housed living inside a world of trauma was not only terrorizing but horrifying. Perhaps, that may be difficult for one to understand what it’s like − unless he or she has walked that journey.
What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your story?
Unfortunately, that’s a tough question, I can’t clearly say there is one thing but many . . .
Its story speaks about the good, the bad, and the ugly stuff life throws at us. Not only that, it was raw and canned. Thinking about relationships, there’s no way to prevent an engagement with them. Every integral piece is a vital part of living, period.
Ultimately, its message will reveal the importance that life brings many challenges; with each there are lessons learned along the way. And with each relationship, one can learn to recognize whether it has a toxic or non-toxic impact. Flipping through those pages, it illuminates the beauty of love, compassion, courage, determination, and strength.
As an end result, I can only hope readers reach an enlightening height from the lessons learned while walking on the journey. And realize that the engagement of toxicity affects everyone in one form or another. But, know when walking, NO ONE walks alone!
What is a common misconception you feel people have about toxic relationships?
In many cases, it could be that some feel they’re making the wrong choices or poor decisions when it comes to unhealthy relationships. However, they fail to realize you don’t choose a toxic person, they chose you.
In another instance, some are failing to realize the dangerous effects their interactions play out. But first they must understand what is a toxic relationship? “A toxic relationship occurs when two or more people interact in a way that is detrimental to their life.” Or, “Anything that is poisonous and capable of causing sickness or death.” In either case, all one has to do is think about how deadly COVID-19 has impacted our lives, daily. With that in mind, it’s evidence that a toxic relationship becomes nothing to play.
Kindle (steal deal $2.99) =
Paperbook (sale $12.52) =