Hello Everyone:
When you see me tooting my own horn join in . . .
Wow, it’s a celebratory moment! My literary creation, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall . . .Where Does My Self Love Fall? has won the Literary Titan Silver Book Award, on April 2, 2022.
When I decided to enter it for a review, I had no idea of the reaction after reading those inside pages. Once I found out the results of their review, it gave me a great feeling to know how well it was embraced. Below is an excerpt of what the reviewer had to say. Of course, there was way more that was spoken click the link to read the full review.
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall, Where Does My Self-Love Fall?: A Success Guide to Replace Toxicity with Love takes you on a journey of reflection. How are you living your life? Are you able to achieve your goals within the set time frame? How do you interact with others? Do you love and take care of yourself as you should? Is the environment you are in toxic? These and more questions are answered throughout the book. Nina Norstrom is here to tell the reader to love self, take life gently and make memories. This book has potent affirming power. When feeling low, the author knows which words to use to raise one’s spirits. . . .
For me, that was just the beginning. They then entered it into their book award contest. And I had another bonus surprise and an ecstatic moment. And why was that? That’s because it became a winner (among many) of the Silver Book Award. Below is an excerpt of the big news I received about its selection:
We are proud to present you with our Literary Titan Book Award. Your book was recently reviewed through our Book Review Service, with that service your book is entered into our Literary Book Award competition. Your book deserves extraordinary praise and we are proud to acknowledge your hard work, dedication, and writing talent. Start telling the world that you’re an award-winning author because we will be!
Now, when one gets news of the magnitude they just don’t keep it to themselves. However, they give themselves a pat on the back and a shout-out that says, “I’m so proud of you, Nina Norstrom, as an Award-winning Author!”
With this astounding news, I can add this award to the cover of my book. How you like me, now?
The activity guide, Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . Where Does My Self-Love Fall?, is available on Kindle and in Paperbook. To order your copy, click the link below:
Photo image front cover courtesy of Lily Fischer
Photo image horn courtesy of Hal Gatewood