With all the birthdays, holidays, and celebrations coming your way, gift-giving can be a specialty. Give a book!
Make this year a Literary One . . .
With all the birthdays, holidays, and celebrations coming your way, gift-giving can be a specialty. Give a book!
Make this year a Literary One . . .
Hello there:
Glad you’ve found me. Thanks for your kind words and pleased that you’ve bookmarked the site.
Anyway, my writing books are getting attention through the book award programs. I’d love for you to purchase and review my literary creation(s). So, have you checked out the memoir or activity guide (paperback or e-book), “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter?” or “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall. . . .” They both have won several book awards. And that says a lot as a great creation. Call it stimulus support (smile). Better yet, consider it a unique method of donating.
It’s not an easy task making others aware of my work and creations. I can’t go it alone, but with your help, we can make it happen. Please share the news in your circle. Thanks a bunch! They do make great gifts you know. You may need to cut and paste the link(s) in a search engine.
Storybook = https://www.amazon.com/Blueprint-Shoeprints-That-Matter-Relationships-ebook/dp/B016X198SO/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HDRH1HJT0XCH&dchild=1&keywords=not+a+blueprint+it%27s+the+shoe+prints+that+matter&qid=1587408692&s=digital-text&sprefix=not+a+blueprint+it%27s+the+shoe+prints+that+matter%2Cdigital-text%2C145&sr=1-1
Activity Guide = https://www.amazon.com/Mirror-Wall-Where-Does-Self-Love/dp/1608081958/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1C177OKUH1XST&dchild=1&keywords=mirror%2C+mirror%2C+on+the+wall+.+.+.+where+does+my+self+love+fall&qid=1608665976&sprefix=mirror%2C+mirror%2C+on+the%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1