To all those soldiers (men and women) on the battlefield, I salute you! The energy you have extended to our country doesn’t go unnoticed. It is because of you we are able to sleep. Thank you for your services! And yes, it is my prayer that you make it home safely . . . when the time to return.
Through this senseless war, many have been wounded and killed. Your bravery and courage to gain our F R E E D O M don’t go unnoticed. When that ship turns around, it is our prayer that you’ve returned to us with all the limbs you left with. If it brings comfort, know we need you here. Your children are asking, “When will dad/mom return?” Each wakening day, our hearts are broken that you are away . . . standing strong and tall for a world that has been turned upside down.
Please, please send our boys home alive
#Thewar #Veteranmemorialday #Soldiersofwar #Wemissandloveyou