To the parents, wives, husbands, sisters, and brothers:
Oh my goodness, we’ve had so many beautiful angels go home, this year. And I know they are in a much better place than we are. They are blessed by not having to endure all this toxicity that has crippled our universe and invaded our circle. Their lives on this earth have touched so many people (I’m sure). Our Creator loaned them to us for a reason (if not just for a season). Even though HE called ’em back home, I’m grateful to have been chosen to be a mom. And I look to the day I will reunite with my little angel. It gives me peace and comfort in knowing she’s been safeguarded from all the darkness and evilness that lurks inside the space we call life. I don’t know if that brings others comfort, and sometimes we have to find a way to ease the pain of our losses. It took some years but for me, this was a method. For all those parents (wives, husbands, sisters, and brothers), that have lost a loved one (through the years) my heart aches for you, as well. It is this time of the year that we may tend to mourn more than other days. For certain, we will never get over the loss (of our loved one), but we can learn to get through it. May our Creator continue to walk with you and I as we go into that special day called “Christmas.” Hugs to you all!
In memory of my loved one, I share her journey and Sara Morsey . . . she narrated it so well.
Sara Morsey #Holidays #Journeys #Losses #DestinationsvsJourneys