Here’s a shout-out to all the Caregivers wherever you are!
In the life of a caregiver, your task is endless. Caregivers are Heroes and Sheroes. Your work is never done. You require the highest level of respect. Knowingly, you are a special kinda person with quality skills for its meaning of dedication, determination, and perseverance.
Once you rise for the day, your morning processes include getting the patient out of bed, bathing, dressing, and grooming them, administering meds, preparing their breakfast, and feeding them.
Taking a break? Not yet, time does not allow for one! The afternoon is vastly approaching, and there is still much to be done. Laundry needs (now) require your immediate attention. As the sun beautifully shines through the window, you (Caregiver) will take the patient outside for fresh air and their daily walk or stroll in the wheelchair. With just a mere walk or stroll, this is just the beginning of the afternoon routine.
Caregivers, what else can you add to the task, before the day has finally ended? I challenge you to peak now or suffer in silence with all your daunting tasks: Let us hear from you and provide your comments . . .
Photo image courtesy of Streetwindy