Will there ever be justice for those who suffer from injustice?
Life is so full of stuff, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Lately, we have been dealt lots of that ugly stuff: with the losses of our loved; those wounded soldiers; those who are homeless; and the ones who are still being abused (suffering in silence), and the list goes on. There seems to be no equity in life. It can be very hard even in our personal lives. Yes, life is so unfair! I have no idea who the person was that stated, “Life is Fair?”
But, I can tell you from experience, there is no comfort in hearing someone say that your child is dying, or your child has cancer, or to hear a child (with fear in the voice) who says that their chest is hurting; or to hear your child say, “I’m going home soon, mom.” And not realizing the home he/she is speaking of is the one from whence they came.
We live, we die, we cry, we laugh. Through all those phases of life, there is no doubt that death has a way of putting things in perspective. When those raw emotion surfaces, there is no cry so piercingly sharp as the pain of the cry when a parent has lost their child or a partner has lost their life mate.
I believe we should all love, respect, and support each other. In that, we were all created equal. Life is so very short. Knowingly, we are here today and gone tomorrow. Even so, will there ever be justice for those suffering from a state of injustice?
Remember, there are no promises for living an eternal life.
Photo courtesy of Mirka Baumeister