Georgia is of one of the top states with most COVID19 Cases . . .
COVID19 is merely a subtitle to the word toxic. I’m so familiar with toxicity and its crippling effects. I’ve tried to warn you – through my books and postings. Seemingly (for some), you won’t take me seriously. Toxicity does come in many forms, and COVID19 is one of them – that diseased-relationship.
Last night, spend time tweaking my workshop material(s). Love when visual comes into play – gives a better view of what ya working with; less chance of being blind-sighted. No, I’m not from Missouri. I’m just one of those “show me’s.” Check out the prop, one of many in its full brokenness.
Whenever the “stay-in,” is lifted ready I’ll roll out the program with my props. Here’s another of them (i.e., prop). Perhaps, the audience will relate to the brokenness. I’ve learned through my journey, I’m broken and it’s beautiful! Oftentimes, the best lessons come from life’s experiences.
In no way, am I making light of our present situation (i.e., society is broken), just being a realist. When toxicity rears its ugly head, its bite is worst than its bark. The bark comes at ya and leaves, but the bite lingers and lingers and lingers. For some, the bite never heals. With this workshop, expecting to expand my services – into the new normalcy. When changing lives, there’s is no fixin’ me.I’m broken and it’s beautiful!
Photos courtesy of Artem Maltsev = Front Cover / Michal Lis = below
Song by Kelly Clarkson