I’m delighted to share with you my latest creation, “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . Where Does My Self-Love Fall? A Success Guide to Replace Toxicity with Love.” Released just in time for a holiday stuffer. This is an activity guide about the love of self and the ugliness of unhealthy relationships (a.k.a. toxicity). You know it takes a positive force to break down that negative energy. There’s no shame in my game when I tell you, “It took a long time for me to fall in love with myself.” Now, that I have that love for self, I’m a heck-of-a lover! That’s why this guide holds a special space in my heart. I never knew the true meaning of love until I started loving myself. Early-on in life, I thought about how much I wanted to be loved. So, I gave a big part of myself to obtain that needed-love. And that big part turned out to be the biggest mistake ever! I lost a lot of “self” through that love journey. I’ve realized (thou) I’m not by myself on this path of self-love. You, you, are out there somewhere . . . wanting, longing, and needing the same thing. We all have been in the clutches of toxicity at one time or another, I’m sure. Some of us may have waddled in, stayed in, lived in, embraced it, and loved it! Still, there are many of us who fight or struggle every day to keep it out of the circle.
Originally, I wrote this guide to be a companion for my storybook. After speaking with my publisher, realized I was not alone when lacking self-love. And there are many others whose searching for the concept (self-love). Then the decision was made to rewrite the guide to be a stand-alone. So it was written . . . and just in time for the holidays!
Whether you’re young teenagers, young adults, and/or full-fledged adults, this guide is a road map to finding the “new” you living inside self. Then to you may have someone in mind that’s struggling with their breakout of the inner self. What better way to show your love than to gift them this self-help package (neatly wrapped with love).
What’s the beauty behind this guide? There’s no gender preference! It’s meant for everyone. Anyone eager and hungry to satisfy their thirst to find self-love and remove those ugly (toxic) relationships will benefit. With that in mind, I present this question to you? Think it’s okay to be into self long as not being selfish? It’s something to think about, huh?
Here’s a peek inside . . .
Self or Selfish
This world is made up of all sorts of people. Regardless of their character and opinion of themselves, they are who they choose to be and deserve to be accepted. Are you at your best? Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? The most valuable and greatest relationship we’ll have in life is with ourselves. It’s important to remain true to one’s self. We must be honest and forthright about who we are and how we perceive ourselves. Others, such as family, friends, and partners, may have their own perception of us and that’s okay.
It takes dedication to “self-concepts” (self-confidence, self-love, etc.) to reach optimum satisfaction in life. Maybe you don’t have the gall to stand up for what you know or like. You’re comfortable in your shyness. You may like being dependent and know you are needy. You may like being someone’s punching bag. You may enjoy shedding tears. You may like hearing yourself speak and know you are a whiner. You may admire the way another person stands up for themselves. You may think having looks is more attractive than brains. You may think having pockets full of money will buy you a new image.
Sometimes, it’s the truth about “self” that seems overly harsh or even becomes a hard pill to dissolve. The beauty of this life is feeling comfortable inside one’s own skin. . . .
Now, do you have someone in mind whose hunger will be satisfied with this gift? Click the link and give a gift of “love.” Show them you care!