I am incredibly excited to announce that I have been recognized as a Book Excellence Award Finalist for my book, Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter/ A Journey Through Toxic Relationships in the Memoir Category.
Out of hundreds of books that were entered into the Book Excellence Awards competition, this book was selected for its high-quality writing, design, and overall market appeal. To view my complete award listing, you can visit: https://honorees.bookexcellenceawards.com/#!/2020-Finalists/c/46250245/offset=72&sort=normal
Not a Blueprint was released in 2016 and is about the introduction of dysfunctional lifestyles; it touches on the destruction of emotional, social, and psychological make-ups; and gives insight into one’s brokenness. Overall, it speaks to the crippling effects of how toxicity can destroy our lives. The “Insights” brings to light the healthier side of life.
This book is perfect for all genres, young and mature adults. You can get a copy for yourself at https://www.amazon.com/Not-Blueprint-Shoeprints-That-Matter/dp/1939371473/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=