In the Spotlight . . .

Welcome Readers and Followers:     Today’s spotlight is on the charter school and the man behind its structured environment . . . The Anchor School and  Dr. Josh Pinto Taylor. When it comes to our children’s growth, the learning path leads to getting a proper education. Through the journey, we grow, we strive, and…

Someone To Know . . . Meet Ms. Flowers

Greetings Readers: As you know, I have been in the wellness circle for some time (now) since my journey. Journaling was a huge part of the recovery process─ bringing me from a dark place into that healthy space. Let us not forget transformation is the root of wellness. We can learn much about ourselves and…

Featured Guest

Greetings Fellow Followers: As you are aware, I’m always looking for those people of interest.  Today’s featured guest (in the spotlight) is the amazingly talented author, aviatrix, adventurer, and two-multi-award-winning screenplay writer, Millie West. Millie is one of those southern women who have style, class, and charisma.  Truly, I’m a big fan of her works. …

Someone You Should Know

Greetings Readers: As you know, I’ve been in the wellness circle for some time (now) since my journey. Journaling was a huge part of the recovery process─ bringing me from a dark place into that healthy space. Surfing around the internet and across the globe,  I’m always looking for like-minded people. I’ve discovered there are…

Who Is Dr. Mary Welsh?

Welcome Back:: Today’s featured guest is Dr. Mary Welsh. Coming to the platform, let’s give out plenty of claps. Living this new norm lifestyle, we’re surrounded by a broken, crippled, and messy society with many broken people inside. And what makes those people so broken?  Their causes can be endless. One can experience brokenness as…