Wake up people, life is so precious. Stop, taking advantage of it, and start appreciating all those little and beautiful things Creator has given us. Tomorrow isn’t promised.
I just loved reading this book and thought I’d share with y’all the heartfelt message behind it. Meet my guest for today . . . .
Terri Ann Leidich (Author)
Deep and Powerful . . .
A book so precious that speaks a powerful message. And there’s the book cover itself which ignites a strong powerful spark, to fit its title perfectly. It is appreciated that this author has opened her door to introduce us to the presence of Rob.
Truly, this author has dug deep into her emotions as she shares her journey along the way. My heart goes out to that long walk which bears a heavy load. That road can be devastating and hard to walk over. Day-by-day one may tend to push through the tiny peddles which lie beneath the road. Yet, that foot pain still remains. The only difference with each passing day is that it “lessens.” But it never goes away completely. I’m sure this story wasn’t written to make its readers cry. But I must confess I dropped many a-tears as I turned the pages. Its message was certainly heartbreaking and extremely touching, gentle, and sweet as it was. The craft the author used to write its message I managed to walk alongside her while reading its words. This story is full of love, happiness, feelings, emotions, and pain. And still, it speaks an awakening of what a parent can endure. In the end, the tunnel may be too dark to find one’s way through. The book “From a Grieving Mother’s Heart” is a message of comfort to know you are not alone. And never take life for granted (okay, I said that one).
After reading this story, I had an opportunity to pass along to another “grieving heart mom.” I felt assured she would benefit from its read and find comfort through its pages. When reading its message, you too may find this storybook makes a great gift giver. Now, it’s available inaudible.
Terri Ann Leidich, Author thanks, for keeping such a detailed journal and exposing those precious memories. Although it may have been painful, I’m grateful you’ve thought enough to share your journey; and I deeply embrace it. Kudos to the author!
Photo courtesy of Markus Winkler = Front Cover