Latest Edition

Did you know about my article that was released? Check it out in the latest edition published by StoryMonstersInk  / September 2020 issue You’ll find the information outlined below inside their issue, along with other wonderful news. For my release, click on the link to go to page 49.   file:///C:/Users/User/Pictures/Blog%20Posts/Story%20Monsters%20Ink%20September%202020.pdf     (This Is the…

Where Is He?

    Stop the killing, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! What the devil is happening to our society?  Where is our Officer Friendly? Officers, I thought your roles were to serve and protect. Time to get your behaviors in check. Enough is enough! You are taking toxicity to another level with…

A Life Celebrated

“I Can’t Breathe”

The heck with social distancing . . . On June 9, 2020, we celebrate the life of George Perry Floyd, Jr.  The man whose built stood tall (at 6 feet, 6 inches).  A man who was known to his family as a “Giant.” Today, he leaves behind his legacy that will long be remembered.  As…