The Dawn of a Nation Rising

  It’s a new year, a new day, and the liberation of a new president, vice-president, and its cabinet members. Because of its selection of choices, there were those who elected not to embrace this occasion as a joyous moment.  That’s fine too . . . since we each have our own voted choice.  All-in-all,…

Drop That Zero!

  People, people: Yes, you are someone very special! This means . . . You are the caregiver of your wellness, don’t you know? Afterall, you’ll need to respect yourself, accept yourself, and forgive yourself.  But, most importantly love yourself even more. I ask you, “How many times does one have to be reminded of…

Sitting On The Wall . . .

Hello Everyone,   How are you doing out there in the midst of this toxic span(i.e., Covid-19)?  Needed to do a temperature check and see how you’re faring.   Today, I want to keep the blog brief, quick, and short; just putting something out to think about.  Here goes . . .    It is no…