Coming Down The Tube!

Hello Followers:   No, I’ve not forgotten you. We’ve just been working hard to produce some new material. I appreciate all the support you’ve given here on my website.  Visiting regularly and on a routine basis; while leaving your comments, For the most part, they’ve been extremely favorable. Now, I’m in need!  Yes, I’m in…

What’s Up?

Hello Everyone,   How are you doing out there in this new norm?  Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve had an opportunity to reach out.  Perhaps, you’ve been wondering why I’ve not posted any blogs, lately.  Got a lot coming down the tube for y’all.  I’m working on some new stuff. As you’ve often…

Who Is That – In the Mirror?

  So, tastefully gratifying!  That is the flavor you’ll savor when enriched with those self-discoveries.  We seek to define our self-love.  How does “self-love” actually appear in your life?  Don’t let a mirror dictate your destiny.  Take the journey and discover YOUR self -dimensions. This Informational/Success Guide is an essential vehicle.  It teaches the meaning of…

Where Is He?

    Stop the killing, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! What the devil is happening to our society?  Where is our Officer Friendly? Officers, I thought your roles were to serve and protect. Time to get your behaviors in check. Enough is enough! You are taking toxicity to another level with…

The Archives – A Reviewer’s Choice

The shelter-at-home order from its effects of COVID19 has created undue stress for many, but victims enduring domestic abuse face a more deadly stress factor. Domestic violence has no favorites.  Regardless, of socioeconomic status, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender; anyone can be a victim – or perpetrator of its interaction.   With the…